Noemi and I have just moved from Montreal to Brussels !
This is a good reason to start my own blog, hoping to keep in touch with my old friends from Brazil and Israel, as well as new ones from Canada. This is an interesting multicultural community with different languages, religions and interests.
Although my English is far from perfect, this is the only language than can be read by most of my friends. I apologize for my simple style, and ask my daughter Vivian to contribute not only with her comments in the blog, but also with some "text improvements" - as she always did.
At first, this space will be used to tell about my new experiences here; however, I hope to be able to have postings about daily issues that were always been discussed with my friends. Please feel free to write about the last movie, book or event that have always provoked interesting chats between us. Portuguese, Hebrew and French are also accepted - Flemish not yet :-)
Great ideia.
It seems like my blog was an inspiration to you.
I found it to be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family.
Good luck in your new experience!
Hey, Mau, great idea to open this.
I am very happy to see you are having a very interesting and active life.
Hope the time in Brussels will be great.
Muito boa sorte nesta nova fase européia, felicidade na nova casa e sucesso no novo blog !
Os ótimos papos, as maratonas cinematográficas e os belos passeios de bicicleta de Montreal farao falta...
Para vc acompanhar nosso querido SANTOS FUTEBOL CLUBE, assistir aos gols da rodada e melhores momentos, aí vai o site oficial:
Nos vemos pelo mundo,
Nô, boa sorte na nova posiçao, muitas realizaçoes e sucesso profissional !!!
Hello reuven
Have you started IFD yet
Man, you think your English hasn´t style! You´re joking!!
Good luck to your family in Brussels!
When you go to Bruges, please enjoy those marvelous mussels in my honor!!
Rubao. Still, you can see beyond! congratulations for the initiative, let's be in touch - aylton
Really great idea!!!
When will you be here in Brazil to visit us ?
Mantenha contato
Bjs:-) Chefi
São Paulo Globe Trotter, vocês agora. Isso aí, parabéns pela mudança. A beleza da Europa é poder pular de um país para outro em poucas horas de carro, ou trem :-)
Forte abraço,
Muito obrigada pela "beloved mother in law". Fiquei sensibilizada.
Hi Rubens,
We miss you in Montreal. I hope you're all settled down in Brussels and you like it.
Regards to Noemi.
Joëlle, Elie and Jonathan
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